Salumificio Valtiberino S.r.l.

Via della Libertà, 50 – 06010 Pistrino di Citerna (PG)

Tel. 075 8592831
Fax. 075 8592836 / 8592460

VAT number 02174100541
C.S. € 1.750.000 i.v.

Company reg. PG. C.F. 01410440513
R.E.A. 183625




Located in Citerna in Umbria. Its butchering and meat cutting lines – approximately 4200 heads per week – are the source of the meat that goes to the various companies in the group for their ham, cured meat and sausage production (approximately 57,4 ton of cold cuts and sausages and 695 tons. of fresh meat produced per week); that is distributed to customers to be sold fresh and unprocessed; or that is sold to third companies for their use as ingredients in their products. Salumificio Valtiberino gets its meats exclusively from select breeding farms belonging to the circuit accredited to supply meat that can be used for DOP certified and protected products.

Salumificio Valtiberino, along with other companies in the group, is part of a production chain (ISO 22005). 

The concept of production chain, which has always been a part of Valtiberino’s DNA, today is a tool equipped with all of the skills and technologies that are needed to produce, offer and promote the most representative traditional products of our country both in Italy and abroad.

Since 2013, Salumificio Valtiberino innovated its business model radically through its use of renewable energy, focusing on its ability to self-produce the energy that the group needs through solar energy systems thereby implementing the already existing cogeneration system.

In 2020, Salumificio Valtiberino had approximately 88 million euros worth of sales and 174 employees. 


Brand: Valtiberino – DallUmbria – Sapori di Vallata

Annual production: salumi e insaccati circa 2.000 ton. – carne fresca 37,86 ton.

Revenue 2022: 103,9 mil. euro

Employees: 176

Salumificio Valtiberino S.r.l.

Via della Libertà, 50
06010 Pistrino di Citerna (PG)
Tel. 075 8592831 – Fax. 075 8592836 / 8592460
P.IVA 02174100541
C.S. € 1.750.000 i.v.
Reg. Imprese PG
C.F. 01410440513
R.E.A. 183625

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